After several years making artisan ice cream in a small ice cream parlor in Talavera de la Reina, in 1982, José Fernández Gómez and María del Pilar Castillejo Robles decided to make their dream come true and that’s how CASTY was born.

To the question of:
-I don’t know what you put in these ice creams that I can’t stop eating them …
Good old Pepe always answered:
– Much love, what we put is a lot of love when making them.
Since the light of the small workshop where CASTY started was turned on for the first time, its founders, José Fernández and María del Pilar Castillejo, had already dreamed of being able to take their ice creams to every corner of Spain. They wanted to make a complete range of ice creams that were of the highest quality, that they fell in love with for what they were, how they tasted, how they were made and not just because of the advertising and big marketing campaigns.
That was more than 30 years ago, but that essence continues to be the backbone of CASTY, which today, having fulfilled the dreams of its founders and having reached the hearts of millions of people, maintains intact the spirit of dedication and devotion to a job well done that the company soaked up in in its early days.
Today, with the second generation of the family at the helm of the business, we are proud of our beginnings, of maintaining the values of our founders and, above all, of being able to offer you from one of the most modern factories in Europe, products manufactured with the same love that good old Pepe put in each of his ice creams.
Throughout our history, many have been the recognitions granted to the company: For our commitment to the prevention of occupational hazards, export work, industrial merits and solidarity. These recognitions have pushed us to continue striving and to be better every day.
We want to thank all the companies, friends, organizations and institutions that have shown us their appreciation. Thank you for joining us in this dream. Your support and loyalty are what have allowed us to go so far on this journey.
Let’s keep growing together!